Between 4-8 November, the 17th Latin American Conference of Marine Science (XVII COLACMAR) was held in the city of Mar del Plata – Argentina. This conference brought together researchers, professionals and students from universities and public and private companies from all over Latin America and the Caribbean. Iván Gómez, the project manager for the Los Organos project, presented our current projects in Peru: “Use of low-cost technology for the collection of catch and effort data in artisanal hake fishing in Los Organos, Piura, Peru” and “The Dynamico-Peru project: Generating information for the management of the prawn trawler fishery in northern Peru“.
Both projects involve using phones (mobile applications) to collect data for monitoring the artisanal fishery in northern Peru. The importance of improving fishing effort data collection and catches was shown, as well as providing the location of fishing activities at fine spatial scales.

Photos caption: Iván Gómez, presenting our latest project results in Argentina