Detailed information on spatio-temporal distribution of fishing activities and fishing effort can lead to improved management decisions, secure fishers’ access rights to important fishing grounds, and avoid conflict between fishers and government agencies. Over the last few decades, electronic monitoring such as Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) have revolutionised our understanding of fishing activities and their associated impacts (e.g. by increasing spatial resolution of fishing grounds, more accurate estimators of bycatch). Most of these technologies are used on large scale commercial fishing vessels, however, the recent availability of many low cost systems that electronically monitor fishing vessels opens the possibility to explore their applicability to Small Scale Fisheries (SSF).

The main objectives of this project involve trialing a mobile phone App to see if we can:
1) improve monitoring of the location of fishing activities at a fine spatial scale, and
2) improve data collection of fishing effort and catch in SSFs by analysing GPS tracks.

Project posts

Presenting results at the 17th Latin American Conference of Marine Science 3 Dec 2019 - Mobile phone app results from Peru fishery trials presented at Latin American Conference of Marine Science Continue Reading
Una apreciación de los guerreros del mar hacia este proyecto 9 Apr 2019 - Fishers share their views on the project and their experience using the App… Continue Reading
Capacitación a Los Pescadores 9 Apr 2019 - A trial involving artisanal fishermen using the mobile phone Apps to help monitor fishing activity near Los Órganos, Peru, has been successful. Continue Reading
Una breve explicación de cómo se lleva a cabo la faena de pesca de Merluza en Los Órganos, Piura (Perú) 9 Apr 2019 - A brief explanation of how the artisanal hake fishery is conducted in northern Peru. Continue Reading
Conociendo a nuestro equipo de trabajo en Perú 9 Apr 2019 - Meet the team and see what they are up to! Continue Reading